Monday, December 20, 2010

The prewash question

My marathon ironing session prompted the question, "Why bother prewashing?" Here's my answer.
I am NOT a witch prewashing fanatic. If it serves my purpose, I prewash. If not, I don't.
So far, here are the reasons I've sometimes NOT prewashed:
  1. I want the extra-crinkly look when I wash the whole quilt later
  2. I had no clue how to wash the tiny bits
Here are the reasons I have prewashed:
  1. Fabric fondling is fun
  2. I actually like ironing
  3. Red leaches color, and I have the color-catchers to prove it
  4. Messing with the fabric gives me more ideas
  5. To have more control over the stiffness of the fabric
  6. Because I'm mixing prewashed with non-prewashed, but I want to minimize the shrinkage differential
Now I know how to wash the tiny bits (handwash in the sink or use the wool/handwash setting of the machine), so that reason goes away as well. I do like Catholic Bibliophagist's comment of only ironing just before use, so I may do that on occasion, too.
OK, I'll admit it - it's mostly for the fondling and ironing.

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