Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reward for good and faithful service

It was my 15th anniversary at work last year, and the company celebrates these anniversaries once a year for everyone who had their anniversary in the previous year. It's a nice event, and I really appreciate the recognition, because that simple event reminds me that the company is aware of my service and appreciates it. We have our pictures taken, our managers come to the party, and, since it's Germany, we all get a bouquet of flowers.
A nifty additional benefit (but not as important as the acknowledgement) is a gift certificate proportional to the number of years of service. We usually get a certificate to a local mall, and I use the certificate to indulge in some luxury for myself.
Now, my quandry is that there isn't all that much I want from the mall this year - I want neutral fabrics, because I'm participating in Bonnie Hunter's Roll, Roll Cotton Boll and she is coming to the area to teach classes in February, which will require even more scraps. So DH and I agreed we'd use the certificate for miscellaneous needs that we can buy at the mall, and I'd go buy fabric where ever I wanted.
About the same time, the quilt seductress Judy brought a catalog from Keepsake Quilting to a meeting. They had a winter sale on overstocked fabrics, $100 for 100 FQ. Wow!
Normally EUR 2.50 is a good price for a FQ here in Germany, so I calculated the potential customs and VAT costs to see if it would still pay to order from there. It did, and I ordered a couple more things to "spend" the rest of my certificate. The beige neutrals and the McKenna Ryan fabrics also came in budget-priced scrap packs.
Last Thursday the fabric came - AWESOME!!! Here are some pictures. You've already seen the results of my ironing extravaganza, so this post is a little out of sync.

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