Enter Thor the Renovation God. He was not so thrilled by the idea of buying a bunch of stuff this weekend, believing that I would insist on adding all of the items to the Honey-Do list. After a heart-to-heart, he understood that the actual assembly could take more than a weekend. We also agreed that the curtain rods and light fixtures should be installed before the permanent furniture.
So we compromised - we'd buy everything, and I would only build up the one table I need to continue sewing. Also, I would not move my things back into the room until the curtain rods and lights are installed.
After a good night's sleep, my Kaufrausch (shopping fever) was over, and I proposed a more reasonable schedule for the installation. This more reasonable schedule would allow Thor the freedom to do it when he wants, rather than push to get a lot done soon.
When Thor got up this morning, he didn't feel any need to make big delays, and concluded that we should still go ahead and buy the stuff this weekend.
HOWEVER, it did finally occur to him that he had taken his Hammer (ok, hammer-drill) up to DD in Bochum, and had left it there. She's not coming here any time in the next month, and we're not going there either. That's a real problem, because without a hammer drill, we can't drill the necessary holes in the hardened concrete walls. Looks like we're going to have to come up with another solution.
1 comment:
Don't know who to commiserate with, you or Thor. Guess I'll go with you because I love the IKEA stuff you selected.
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