Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Celebrating the last holiday

Spring is my favorite season. Best weather, prettiest colors, full of hope and renewal.
Germany enhances spring by having the most holidays during this season. What with Easter being so late this year, we've had very few weeks recently without a day off.
Today is Fronleichnam*, and it's our last holiday before a LONG stretch without a public holiday. I intend to enjoy this day to it's fullest.
          * Don't ask me what Fronleichnam is. No one has yet been able to explain it to me.

Anyway, since I've got busy days on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (guild mini-retreat and monthly meeting), I'm taking it easy today.
Goal for the day: have fun and relax
There are lots of things I want to do, but none are required. Here's a partial list.
  • Add Tina to the guild bloggers list (Done!)
  • Backup the guild web files
  • Get my stuff ready for meeting (almost done)
  • Gather my gear for the mini-retreat
  • Start the hand-sewing on the binding of my latest finished project (see pic below)
  • Play with quilt labels in my embroidery software
  • Read
  • Exercise
  • Play harp
  • Declutter a little in my sewing room
None are required. My day's success will be measured by the question, "Did I have fun?"

Did you have fun today?

An in-process picture of my latest now-finished project:


Birgit-Patch said...

Hi Karen,

ich gescheitpupse jetzt mal wegen Fronleichnam

Bis morgen

Tina said...

I like you last project. It came out great.
By the way, I am going to be right over to play the harp with you.

Anonymous said...

Great weekend goals and now you have inspired me (again). I've got to get my weekend goals/to-do list done so I can have accountability.
Luv the new project, colors are nice! Be sure to show it when you are done. BTW - I'm getting closer to getting back into quilting.