Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Some less blog-o-genic activities

While I have made a couple of small finishes, to be posted later, mostly I've been working on things that are less suited to blogging (less blog-o-genic, like photogenic. Made that word up myself).
That includes spending WAY TOO MUCH TIME on photo puzzles at Jigsawplanet.
There are lots of quilt pictures there, and I just uploaded my GFG as a large hard puzzle. Hint: the pieces must be rotated.
To play puzzles I've created, go to http://www.jigsawplanet.com/karenotto

Do a search on the keyword quilt. Lots of nice puzzles there. I mostly search on the keyword color.

Other activities:
  • Inching along on projects like my Mola and Ula Lenz BOM
  • Organizing my sewing room a la Flylady
  • Going through a major change at work  (we're going Japanese)
  • Administrating the web page for our local Blackforest Quilters guild 
That last item takes unpredictable amounts of time. I thought that adding a photo gallery (sorry, members only) would be hard, but it was easy. But then setting up all the needed email addresses was easy, but time-consuming. And a million other things. At least we are using the site, and very well. We have tens of thousands of hits a month - makes it all worthwhile.
And we have a free page now, so go take a look. http://www.blackforestquilters.de/free_public.htm

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