Saturday, June 26, 2010

Abitur from Gymnasium, not a high school graduation

Taylor received her Abitur this week in a ceremony at the school. It's not the same as graduation in the US, but she did receive her Zeugnis, the equivalent of a diploma. These Zeugnisse from schools and work generally need to be show to a new employer when job hunting. I even had to produce a paper copy of my university degree when I hired on here.
This was a particularly nice ceremony, with the class' jazz band playing (no Pomp and Circumstance here), and good short speeches. The school director made a specific point of enabling parents to take photographs of their child receiving her Zeugnis.

Next up for her is the Abiball, which is not a prom, although the kids dress up, and some schools do a dance. This school is having some sort of event. A must for the Abiball is the Abizeitung, which will apparently roast the teachers. We'll see how this all turns out.

Here are some pictures of her Zeugnis ceremony, and a video with the song the kids did at the end of the ceremony.

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