Saturday, July 23, 2011

Transfixed by technology

True confessions time (no, nothing about Poohs in any form) - I am transfixed by technology, especially technology that manipulates fabric.
You would not believe how long I can sit and stare at my sewing machine as it stitches using the ruffler attachment. Stitch and fold, stitch and fold, stitch and fold.

Now I'm transfixed by the concept of "In-The-Hoop" projects.
I mean, how can you conceivably sew a zippered bag in an embroidery hoop???!?

But that's EXACTLY what I did today. I woke up early, cut my fabric and batting, had breakfast, did a computer jigsaw puzzle, then bopped up to my machine and tossed together this little bag.
Afterwards, I sat there staring at the fabric on the hoop, still transfixed by the project.

To make this project, you need to put fabric both on top of stabilizer that has been hooped, and on the bottom of the stabilizer. In these pictures, the single layer of fabric is the lining of the bag on the front side. The top side of the hoop contains the front outside, the zipper, the back outside, the bag back lining, and a pocket. Amazing.
For this pattern, the pieces were all simple rectangles, so I could stack and whack a few different colors, and make bags all day.
Fine, it's not as quick as Birgit's Damn Fast Bag, but it's quick. And accurate, and the bag comes out with a quilted front. Pretty neat.

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