Saturday, June 11, 2011

Finished a project!!

After the first rush of playing with my new machine, I got the usual "honeymoon's over" period. I kept bouncing from project to project, and everything was so compelling that I just set the other projects aside, stacked all the leftover fabric in a pile and started something new.
Well, last night I said, "Enough is enough. Time to actually finish a project and start getting this room cleaned up."
Can you believe my daughter moved out almost a year ago, and I still don't have my sewing room properly set up?
First there are the things left in the room that I can't go through and throw out or put away.
Then there are the supplies for future projects, both real and imagined.
Then there is the occasional piece of unnecessary furniture.
Finally there is a distinct lack of organization.
None of this helps me feel excited about working in this room. Certainly the projects are exciting, and my machines are fabulous, but my room is so messy, I can't have anyone over to play.

Enough is enough. Both last night and today I've spent time decluttering as well as sewing. And when I pick up a project, I work on it until I'm really stuck, or it's done.
Last night I moved a guitar, a sword, an axe and cleaned out one tiny corner of the room. A good start.
And I worked on my notebook cover.
Today I continued with the notebook cover, and it's finished!!! I also cleaned out some games and planned where I will keep my books and patterns.

Here are pics of the notebook cover. Using batik scraps and decorative stitches, even a little embroidery, I am very pleased with the project. The 830 has this ability to do sideways stitching, and I used it extensively. Also learned how to do basic lettering and combine embroidery designs.
Good stuff.
This cover has an Edelweiss theme, even though some of the designs aren't quite to edelweissy.


Anonymous said...

L like your notebook cover. And the best part is that you finished something. I like finishing something, but I will have to live through your finished projects for a bit longer. I'm not ready to start sewing again, but getting closer. Like you,I spend time frustrated about the mess. So will follow your lead about organizing little pieces at a time. Keep up the good work and new embroidery!

birgit said...

Wir "ähneln" uns. Ich habe das Blümchen auch als erstes gestickt. Alle Stoffreste wurden irgendwie bestickt und nun suche ich Verarbeitungsvorschläge. Gruß Birgit