Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Time to put on my game face

When you are a seller or a buyer, it pays to put on a "game face."

A game face is the behavior you exhibit to your negotiation partner, so she will see only what you want her to see. That gives you power in the negotiation, because the other party does not know how far you are willing to go, and they will be more likely to give in to what you want.
A colleague of mine at Philips became an expatriate, and took his family over to The Netherlands for a couple of years. They needed to buy a used car and went shopping.
As the salesman showed them a particular car, the man's wife turned to her husband and adamantly said, "I want this one."

Negotiation over. He paid sticker price, got no discount.

I need my game face tonight. After 6 months of analysis, I've decided to negotiate for a Bernina 830, which comes with a normally expensive, but in this case free software. Check out the machine here. Does everything but clean your toilets.

One of the dealers in my area has this special offer, and she is my first choice to buy from, because her shop is well set up, they have (apparently) a lot of knowledge about this model, and she's the closest.
But the chance that she will insist that I pay list (Eur 7999) is pretty high. Online retailers who have the special are offering it for Eur 7399. Eur 600 is a big difference.
That Eur 600 is why I'm putting on my game face. With that money I can buy a huge number of accessories, or as my husband put it, an iPad.
Dear Hubby went even further. If I skip the machine altogether, I can buy 8 iPads. One for Monday, one for Tuesday, and so on. Even one spare iPad. Dear Hubby is almost as crazy as I am. :)

My only problem is, I DON'T HAVE A GAME FACE FOR THIS NEGOTIATION!!! I'm so excited about the prospect of having this machine that I feel like I can just walk into the store, hand over my EC card, and say, "Quick quick! Give me the machine! I can't wait any longer!"

Just nine hours to get my game face together. This is looking bad.


quilthexle said...

U-Hu - a Bernina 830 ... WOW!! So, get that game face thing done, quick ... and let us know how playing with this over-the-top-machine feels like. But ... maybe I should try to talk you out of buying it ... because if you buy it, you will have no time left for blogging !!!

Filled with quilty goodness said...

LOL, machine fancy-ness is not the problem with blogging. More machine = more projects = more blogging.
Hmmm I wonder if I could write a blog post in embroidery? I just wrote one in patchwork (remember Fabulous?)
Something will have to give, though. Probably internet surfing. Gotta give up those cute cat pictures, I guess.
Wait, I could EMBROIDER cute cat pictures, couldn't I?

Birgit-Patch said...

Hi Karen,
schick doch den Hubby los zum Nähmaschineneinkauf. Er ist gegenüber der Nähmaschine emotionslos und kann bestimmt einen guten Preis aushandeln.
Viel Erfolg!

Birgit-Patch said...

Menno - machs nicht so spannend - zeig sie uns endlich!

Filled with quilty goodness said...

Ja, als ich gestern Abend nach Hause kam war Blogger down, und ich konnte nicht posten. Jetzt geht's wieder