Thursday, May 26, 2011

A small non-profit announcement of my friend's new blog

Dear readers,
I would like to briefly point out that one of my dearest friends, Ms. Mouse, has started a blog, and you should check it out. There aren't many posts yet, but I'm counting on her adding some pictures of her fine textile-based work. She's already confessed to having 2 Berninas, and she has been recently doing quilts with hand-made chenille. The only thing that annoys me is that her colorful blog design is so much prettier than mine. Grr. Just wait - I'll find a way to do better.


slsledge said...

Gee thanks Karen! Now I have to keep it up!

MSMOUSE7 said...

Thanks for the publicity! And you know I luv those bight colors, thus my blog design.