Friday, February 4, 2011

100,000 stitches, and I loved every one

Old news: I finished my Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt. See all those posts here.
What you didn't know, nor did I until I did the math, was how many stitches I put into it.
The question first came up as I was stitching the last quilting stitches.
I had already checked how many stitches I had been sewing as I put the hexies together. Someone once remarked how tiny those stitches were, so I checked several times. There were many stitches per side, on the order of 29 or 30 stitches, pretty consistently.
The fundamental question was, how many sides of the hexagon did I sew? Ultimately I reognized that the side of each hexie was sewn to another side, so that simplified things.
Here's how the math came out:
  • About 1100 hexagons total
  • 6 sides per hexie makes 6600 sides
  • Each side was sewn to another side, so reduce that to 3300 sides
  • Add to that the following:
    • Extra stitches to make the Y-seams work
    • Quilting stitches
    • Binding stitches
The last groups of stitches I didn't even count (I certainly wish my quilt stitches rivaled my whip stitches). So 3300 times 30 makes 99000. Rounding up to cover those stitches I didn't count, and there you have it: 100,000 stitches.
Looking back on it, I realized that I was never frustrated or bored making this quilt. On the contrary, I loved each one. 14 months of love - a rare thing, I think.

1 comment:

quilthexle said...

"14 months of love" - and the best thing about that is, it does NOT end. This quilt and all the love you put into it will be with you for all your life ;-))