Saturday, September 11, 2010

Owls and Basting

My progress on the Tokyo Subway quilt will slow down a little over the next couple of weeks. First, Dear Daughter has more requests for clothing in, and I'm now two skirts and a dress behind.
Second, the guild/sewing circle groups are kicking in a little early this month. Normally the first two weeks of the month are focused sewing time, and the last two weeks are meeting time. This month my first meeting is on Sept 10, with a Stuttgart sewing circle. We'll be doing at least two fun planned activities - one is a member is showing her technique for making teeny tiny owls (she put them on a pincushion), and I'll be demonstrating the small space basting technique.
The small space basting technique is pretty much the same as Sharon Schamber's technique, or techniques I've seen others do. it involves rolling up the backing and top on narrow boards, then building and basting the sandwich a little at a time, whatever fits on your worktable.

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